Surya Kidney Care - Renal Surgery Department
Surya Kidney Care got registered as a Renal Transplant Center in January 2011 & since the commencement of operations we have completed over 100 successful Renal Transplants. The team, under the able leadership of Dr. Arjinder Singh has an experience of over 3000 Renal Transplants
The Team Comprises of the following:-
Dr. Arjinder Singh :- Chief Transplant Surgeon.
Dr. Satya Sree :- Assistant Transplant Surgeon.
Dr. RS Rai :- Consultant Urosurgeron.
Dr. Rimple Gupta :- Consultant Anesthetist.& Intensivist
We have got a fully equipped renal ICU with highly qualified & dedicated ICU staff and full time Intensivists. There are private surgical wards for all the post operative patients & donors. Stringent SOP’s have been put into place to avoid any kind of post transplant infections & ensure best care to the Patients.